
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Be Bag Smart !!

Does your closet look like these? 

Or like this ?

Yes ! this post is probably not for you. No? Then you are here to stay (i think :-). Many of us don't have lavish closets and most of us can't afford/manage different storage room for bags and shoes like those Hollywood celebrities. So, do we have less important bags than theirs? Definitely NOT! Our non-expensive (sometimes with very less price tag) but so important Bags need to be cared with as value as we care for our outfits and jewelries. After all, Chanel and Luis Vuitton aren't coming to us, our very own non-expensive bags will save us in need. Point is, they actually need to be cared and stored in proper way.

Here we go for how to care and store the bags we have : 

1. Doors are another Shelves. Don't let them spare and blank. A self fixed rod or panel can hold upto 6-8 average sized bags depending upon size of the doors and closets. So, set several small sized hooks fixed in the doors of your closet. You are sorted with clean and manageable storage for bags. This suits best to all; persons like me who have hardly 3-4 bags in total for their closets but can manage each with most of the outfits or who have dozens to showcase. 


2. Hang them like clothes. Bags can be easily set in hangers and hooks inside the closets which will make them safe from dust caused from storing. Also, you can get them handy in need. 

3. Special Coverage for Bags is possible. If found in your local store, you can also get Bag holder designed specially to hold and hang bags in closets which is a smart way to get rid of unneccessary mess and saves lot of space. They can be found in paper or plastic pouch holders. Sorry, not available in Nepali market though :-( . But hey, that's why internet is made for. Go online shopping. :-)

4. Arrange and store Bags as files in cabinet and drawers. This is undoubtedly one of the best resque for the Bag managers ! It saves time, stores bags well and saves them from overstretching (which can be caused by hanging). Just remember to wrap them in muslin cloth or plastic bags when not in frequent use to prevent color and smoothness. 


5. Iron Rod in curvy or your desired shape can hang upto 15 bags at a time within very small space around. I think it's best for those who live in tight space. These can even placed in corners of the room. 

6. Repurposing any table or stand as bags cabinet is the smartest option (I think). You can even use your dressing table and vanity area for the same. Installing a rod for hangers will give you room for bags, clutches and purses. 
Image via : Good housekeeping

Things to remember while storing bags:
  • Storing bags with like colors can save colors fading.
  • Close the Zips of the bags while storing and make sure zips and buckles are not tangled with other.
Choose the storing method as per your need and access. It's upto us how we manage our things and getting ideas from anywhere enhances our inner creativity. Thankx for stopping by !


  1. Great post!!thanks for sharing these ideas!!
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    1. thank you and hey, you have restricted your give away only to Indian citizen !!

  2. I like to maintain my stuff and keeping them organized.

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    1. yes, that's why we blogger exist to share some ideas. Thanks you for stopping by.

  3. wow... such a great post!! thanks for this! :D really helped!

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    1. Really. i am glad it's useful to you all. keep in touch.
